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If you want your child to have a top-notch oral health and smile, then they need to prevent cavities. Cavities are very dangerous dental issues that attack and severely damage the teeth. They form when your child has poor oral hygiene and when they expose their enamel to cavity-causing substances, like sugar and carbohydrates. Our dentists, Dr. Samuel Bailey and Dr. JD Reimschissel, are happy to help you help your child prevent cavities by giving you the tips you need. Those tips are:

-Help them brush and floss: Keeping up on oral hygiene is key when preventing cavities. This is because each task removes the plaque and bacteria from the teeth and gums. Plaque and bacteria are the culprits of tooth decay. So, make sure to help your child brush twice a day and floss once a day.

-Bring them in for checkups: Their first dental appointment should be around their first birthday. The checkups will help your child prevent cavities because the cleaning provided will remove dangerous, cavity-causing substances from the smile. Make sure they attend their checkups every six months.

-Don’t send them to bed with a bottle: If you send them to bed with a bottle of milk or another sugary liquid, then it promotes baby bottle tooth decay. If you must send them to bed with a bottle, make sure it’s filled with water.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about how to prevent cavities in Taylorsville, Utah, please contact West Valley Pediatric Dentistry when you get the chance. Our dental team is more than happy to help you, so call 801-417-8080 now!